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GAM-201-A: GAMES DEVELOPMENT (age 11-14)

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    General Information

    1. Each class is 60 minutes.
    2. Class days: On Saturday or Sunday.
    3. Course schedule and timing will be decided once the class is complete.
    4. Minimum 5 participants to run one class.
    5. Maximum 10 participants in each class.


    1- Fair knowledge of English Speaking Course Description

    Course Description

    This is Level1 of the course “Game Development (11-13)”. In the world of animations and games, there are many concepts and coding experience that candidates need to acquire. In this course, we will start with simple, primitive shapes and building up to more sophisticated sprite. Students become familiar with the programming concepts and the design process, then learn how these simpler constructs can be combined to create more complex programs. Students will develop their own projects where they can practice design, testing, and debugging the code.

    Course Aim

    In this course, students learn about images and animations. This include dealing with variables, sprite, sprite movement, conditions, and keyboard input. Moreover, they will learn about functions, collision detection, velocity, and complex sprite movement. During the lessons, they will learn how to design and make their own game.

    Course Objective

    The student will:

    • Learn about graphic animation concepts such as primitive, sprites, collision detection, etc…
    • Learn about programming concepts such as variables, conditions, and functions.
    • Learn how to define the main parts of his planned game.

    Images and Animations

    Programming for Entertainment
    The class is asked to consider the "problems" of boredom and self expression, and to reflect on how they approach those problems in their own lives. From there, they will explore how Computer Science in general, and programming specifically, plays a role in either a specific form of entertainment or as a vehicle for self expression.
    Plotting Shapes
    This lesson explores the challenges of communicating how to draw with shapes and use a tool that introduces how this problem is approached in Game Lab.The class uses a Game Lab tool to interactively place shapes on Game Lab's 400 by 400 grid. Partners then take turns instructing each other how to draw a hidden image using this tool, which accounts for many of the challenges of programming in Game Lab.
    Drawing in Game Lab
    The class is introduced to Game Lab, the programming environment for this unit, and begins to use it to position shapes on the screen. The lesson covers the basics of sequencing and debugging, as well as a few simple commands. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to program images like the ones they made with the drawing tool in the previous lesson.
    Shapes and Parameters
    In this lesson, students continue to develop a familiarity with Game Lab by manipulating the width and height of the shapes they use to draw. The lesson kicks off with a discussion that connects expanded block functionality (e.g. different sized shapes) with the need for more block inputs, or "parameters." Finally, the class learns to draw with versions of ellipse() and rect() that include width and height parameters and to use the background() block.
    This lesson introduces variables as a way to label a number in a program or save a randomly generated value. The class begins the lesson with a very basic description of the purpose of a variable and practices using the new blocks, then completes a level progression that reinforces the model of a variable as a way to label or name a number.
    Random Numbers
    Students are introduced to the randomNumber() block and how it can be used to create new behaviors in their programs. They then learn how to update variables during a program, and use those skills to draw randomized images.
    In order to create more interesting and detailed images, the class is introduced to the sprite object. The lesson starts with a discussion of the various information that programs must keep track of, then presents sprites as a way to keep track of that information. Students then learn how to assign each sprite an image, which greatly increases the complexity of what can be drawn on the screen.
    Sprite Properties
    Students extend their understanding of sprites by interacting with sprite properties. The lesson starts with a review of what a sprite is, then moves on to Game Lab for more practice with sprites, using their properties to change their appearance. The class then reflects on the connections between properties and variables.
    This lesson introduces Game Lab's text commands, giving students more practice using the coordinate plane and parameters. At the beginning of the lesson, they are asked to caption a cartoon created in Game Lab. They then move onto Code Studio where they practice placing text on the screen and controlling other text properties, such as size.
    Mini-Project - Captioned Scenes
    After a quick review of the code learned so far, the class is introduced to the first creative project of the unit. Using the problem solving process as a model, students define the scene that they want to create, prepare by thinking of the different code they will need, try their plan in Game Lab, then reflect on what they have created. They also have a chance to share their creations with their peers.

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