Distinguished Professors
System Security/ Education
Dr. Wenliang (Kevin) Du is the Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor of Teaching Excellence at Syracuse University. He got his PhD degree from Purdue University. He is currently a full professor (tenure track), teaching computer security for almost 20 years. He promotes experiential learning in cybersecurity education. To provide students with hands-on experiences, funded by multiple grants from the National Science Foundation and over a period of 17 years, he has developed over 40 labs (called SEED labs). These labs are now being used by over 1000 universities, colleges, and high schools in 65 countries. He wrote a popular textbook on cybersecurity, which has been adopted by over 210 schools worldwide.
In 2010, his SEED project was highlighted by the National Science Foundation in a report sent to the Congress. The report highlights “17 projects that represent cutting-edge creativity in undergraduate STEM classes nationwide”. Due to the impact of the SEED labs, he received the “2017 Academic Leadership” award from the 21st Colloquium for Information System Security Education. In 2019, Syracuse University bestowed upon him the Meredith Professorship, the university’s most prestigious honor for teaching excellence.
Purdue University West Lafayette, IN
Ph.D. in Computer Science August 2001
M.S. in Computer Science December 1999
Research Area: Computer and Information Security
Ph.D. Thesis: A Study of Several Specific Secure Two-Party Computation Problems
Advisors: Dr. Mikhail J. Atallah and Dr. Eugene H. Spafford
Business School, Purdue University West Lafayette, IN
Certificate from Applied Management Principles Program May 2000
Florida International University Miami, FL
M.S. in Computer Science June 1996
Research Area: Software Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Yi Deng
University of Science and Technology of China Hefei, China
B.S. in Computer Science July 1993
Advisor: Dr. Chih-Sung Tang
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering &
Computer Science (EECS)
June 2012 – Present
Associate Professor
July 2007 – May 2012
Assistant Professor
Aug. 2001 – June 2007
Teaching, advising, and conducting original research in the areas related to computer, information, and network security. Have graduated 8 PhDs in the past. Currently advising 8 PhD
students, 2 M.S. students, and 4 undergraduate students, working on several Android security
research projects.
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Research Assistant
Department of Computer Science & CERIAS Aug. 1996 – July 2001
Conducting research in computer and information security areas in the Center of Education
and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS), Purdue University.
Microsoft Internship
Redmond, WA. May 1998 – Nov. 1998
Analyze the security relevance of the Registry in Windows NT 4.0.
1. Kapil M. Borle, Biao Chen, and Wenliang Du. Physical Layer Spectrum Usage
Authentication In Cognitive Radio: Analysis and Implementation. In IEEE
Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, Vol. 10, No. 10, October 2015.
2. Kaiqi Xiong, Ronghua Wang, Wenliang Du, and Peng Ning. Containing Bogus Packet
Insertion Attacks for Broadcast Authentication in Sensor Networks. In ACM
Transactions on Sensor Networks, Volume 8 Issue 3, July 2012.
3. Wenliang Du, The SEED Project: Providing Hands-on Lab Exercises for Computer Security Education. To Appear in IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine,
September/October, 2011. This is an invited paper.
4. Huseyin Polat, Wenliang Du, Sahin Renckes, and Yusuf Oysal. Private predictions
on hidden Markov models. In Artificial Intelligence Review, Volume 34 Issue 1, June
5. Ronghua Wang, Wenliang Du, Xiaogang Liu, and Peng Ning. ShortPK: A ShortTerm Public Key Scheme for Broadcast Authentication in Sensor Networks.
In ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Vol. 6, No. 1, Article 9, pages 1–29, December
6. Wenliang Du and Ronghua Wang. SEED: A Suite of Instructional Laboratories
for Computer Security Education. In The ACM Journal on Educational Resources
in Computing (JERIC), Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2008.
7. Donggang Liu, Peng Ning, and Wenliang Du. Group-Based Key Pre-Distribution
in Wireless Sensor Networks. In ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN),
Vol. 4, No. 2, pages 11:1–11:30, March 2008.
8. Donggang Liu, Peng Ning, An Liu, Cliff Wang, Wenliang Du. Attack-Resistant Location Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks. In ACM Transactions in Information and Systems Security (TISSEC), 2008.
9. Peng Ning, An Liu, and Wenliang Du. Mitigating DoS Attacks against Broadcast
Authentication in Wireless Sensor Networks. In The ACM Transactions on Sensor
Networks (TOSN), Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2008.
10. Huseyin Polat and Wenliang Du. Privacy-Preserving Top-N Recommendation on
Distributed Data. In the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and
Technology, Volume 59, Number 7, May 2008.
11. Shigang Chen, Yong Tang, and Wenliang Du. Stateful DDoS Attacks and Targeted
Filtering. Accepted by Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Special Issue
on Distributed Denial of Service and Intrusion Detection, vol. 30, issue 3, August 2007.
Multicultural and Global Education
Dr. Diaz is a Professor Emeritus in the College of Education at Florida Atlantic and is a specialist in multicultural and global education. In 2016, he was selected to be a Fulbright Scholar at KPH College in Vienna and Krems, Austria where he consulted with faculty and staff on issues of immigrant education and served as a guest lecturer.
Dr. Diaz has a doctorate degree, a master degree, a post master degree, and a bachelor degree from Florida Atlantic University.
Dr. Diaz is a veteran educator with 42 years’ experience in secondary and higher education. During his career he has been a middle school teacher, school district multicultural curriculum specialist, community college professor and university professor.
For a decade, Dr. Diaz was an accreditation examiner of colleges of education for the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education and conducted 21 accreditation visits throughout the US and Puerto Rico.
Dr. Diaz has coauthored or edited four books and numerous chapters and articles. His research was published at peer reviewed journals such as the Intercultural Education and the Language and Education journal. In his professional capacity as well as well as personal travel, he has been to 92 countries in five continents. His professional and research interests focus on the idea of equity in education and the mechanisms for making it a reality for minority and immigrant populations. He has worked throughout his career on exposing the mythology that “we treat all of our students the same” when the research is eminently clear that we do not.
Educational /Neuro psychologist
Dr. M. K. Hamza is a teacher, practitioner-scientist, researcher, and a consulting medical-forensic neuropsychologist. He is a Professor of Clinical Mental Health in the Counseling Department at Lamar University where he has been teaching full time since 2003. He is named a Distinguished Research Fellow in 2018-2021; and a Distinguished Faculty Lecturer in 2018. Dr. Hamza was the winner of a number of prestigious university awards
Dr. Hamza has a post-doctoral in psychopharmacology from Alliant University, a post-doctoral in brain science and computing science from Florida Atlantic University, a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology Foundations (Cognitive Psychology) from Texas A&M University, a master degree in Instructional Psychology from the University of Oklahoma, a master degree in Management Information Systems from Friends University, a master degree in Management Science from Friends University, and a bachelor degree in Mathematics & Computer Science from Friends University.
Dr. Hamza is director and Chief NeuroPsychologist of the Neurobehavioral Clinic, a consulting medical forensic neuropsychology practice that provide neuropsychological Evaluations, psychological evaluations, psychotherapy, and consulting. He clinically supervised a team of mental health professionals at the Vision Psychological Services and consulted a wide variety of educational, legal, psychological, and medical organizations on different areas of mental health
Dr. Hamza published extensively over 150 scholarly writings, presentations, and speeches delivered at several reputable organizations other than Lamar University (e.g., Harvard, MIT, William James School of Psychology, University of Jordan, Zeppelin University). His lectures and speeches covered topics in the areas of psychopharmacology, neuropsychology, computing sciences, learning technologies, and clinical mental health. He supervised and mentored counselors, psychologists, neuropsychologists, and early career psychiatrists. Some of his recent invitations to speak included the U.S. Institute of Peace, Washington D.C., 2018 (three invitations to speak on HDS and PTSD); the University of Jordan, 2018 International Mental Health Conference (Keynote Speaker), Istanbul, Turkey; 2018-2019; and Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma Center- Schools of Medicine & William James College, 2017.
Computer & Electrical Engineering
Dr. Bassem Alhalabi is an Associate Professor in the Dept of Computer & Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Florida Atlantic Univ. He received 23 academic and special recognition awards including the National Distinguished Engineering Educator Achievement Award from the ASEE Engineers’ Council, the Distinguished Teacher of the Year from the College of Engineering at Florida Atlantic University, and the Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching award from Florida Atlantic University. He was listed as one of the “Outstanding People of the 20th Century”.
Dr. Alhalabi has a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering and a Master of Science in Computer Engineering from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, a master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University, and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Ohio University.
Associate Professor, Full Time, Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
(CEECS), Florida Atlantic University (FAU), August 2002-Current,
Dr. Alhalabi is the President/CEO of RnD G’s Inc., Boca Raton, where he helps dozens of inventors get their patents and prototypes for their innovative dream ideas. He provides Technical consulting, feasibility analysis, design, and prototyping of consumer technology products to bring local inventors and industries to Florida Atlantic university for collaborative research and grants
Dr. Ashraf Elhoubi is a Professor of statistics in the department Information Systems and Analysis at Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas. He received the 2009 Lamar University Merit Award in recognition of scholarship, service, and outstanding classroom performance and interaction with students
Dr. Alhoubi has a Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Wyoming, a master degree in statistics from Iowa State university, a master degree from Kansas State University, and a Bachelor of Science in Statistics from Al-Fateh University.
Dr. ELHoubi has over seventeen years of teaching experience. He taught at Lamar university, Jones International University, Grand Canyon University, Valparaiso University, John Carroll University, University of Wyoming, Laramie County Community College, Kansas State University, and Iowa State University. He also taught several online courses such as the Foundational Basis of Statistics, and Advanced Statistics for graduate students, developmental math and college geometry.
Dr. Elhoubi research areas of interest are in Applied Statistics, Biostatistics, Mixed Models, Time Series, multiple regression, and Logistic Regression. He has published many papers in peer reviewed journals such as the Research in Business and Economics Journal, the International Journal of Education and Learning, the International Journal of Education and Social science, the International Journal for Business & IT, and the International Journal of Business, Marketing, and Decision Sciences.