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This course consists of 3 parts: Basic Grammar, Reading, and Essay writing. The course is a prerequisite for English 2 and Literary Appreciation. Students will learn the basics of grammar such as sentence types, comma rules, and transitional phrases; Reading skills will consist of reading comprehension and critical analysis; finally, the essay writing will teach students the basic paragraph structure. By the end of the course, students will complete a thesis-driven essay
English Composition/Writing: This is a college-level course in written communication. It is designed to develop reading, critical thinking, and writing strategies necessary for academic success. The emphasis is on writing essays. The course may also require the use of research and documentation skills. We will be reading various essay, a novel, as well as watching relevant videos to make connections and be able to write academic length papers. This class will meet once a week for 1.5 hours.
Prerequisite * ESL and above
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