General Information
- Class days: On Saturday or Sunday
- Course schedule and timing will be decided once the class is complete.
- Minimum 5 participants to run one class.
- Maximum 10 participants in each class.
- Fair knowledge of English Speaking.
Course Description
This is level2 of the course “Mobile Application Development”. One of the most powerful things computers can do is quickly and precisely perform many computations on large amounts of data. To use this power, students must learn:
- How to control iteration (loops).
- How to store and process lists of data rather than single variables.
- How to use functions.
Throughout this course, students begin to explore the many applications of these techniques. For example, they will explore the topic of simulations by virtually flipping a coin thousands of times and tracking the results.
Course Aim
Students learn to write programs to store and process large amounts of information using data structures and when to use them. They will know how real world phenomena are simulated on a computer. They will be shown how to algorithms are evaluated for speed.
Course Objective
Students will write programs with larger and more complex data structures. they will return to the study of loops, this time using them to simulate real world events. Next they learn to program with lists of information in order to develop apps that store and process large amounts of data. They will also learn to compare the efficiency of different list-processing algorithms..